Wednesday, March 3, 2010

my best birthday present

was the O'Melays, who were the visiting friends! I didn't want to out them until they got back to their lovely farm. It was such a delight to finally meet Tabitha who I have known for almost seven years. The kids all got along swimmingly. Tabitha's children are generally between my kids in age: Tristan is one year younger than Abby, Kassi is nine months older than Gilbert, Toly is nine months younger than Trixie, and Rome is nine months younger than Gloria. This meant that there were multiple playmates for each O'Melay. Tristan flitted between the older girls and Gilbert and Kassi played with Gloria and Faith. Toly and Bede wrestled with each other like puppies, and Rome floated around the edges.

Everyone got a mild cold and stuffy nose but the only one really sidelined by it was Tristan, who spiked a fever too. Poor dude!

Overall the visit was wonderful. They came down so Karl could build a wall in our new garage to partition it off for Sean's office, and that was accomplished. Karl is amazing. Tabitha and I made food, as previously noted.

I also got other gifts: Sean got me The Complete Sherlock Holmes and Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food, both of which are great.

So all told, a Very Happy Birthday!


  1. How wonderful...I read the blog and I've heard so much about them...I'm glad they were able to visit!
    Happy birthday indeed!

  2. That's what I expected!! ha ha ha. Glad you had tons of fun!

  3. we had so much fun. and so much food! everyone misses everyone, but the most delightful part is that now when I talk to you we will both have this wonderful idea of exactly what we are talking about!
    the kids could not have meshed more perfectly. thank you for a great 'vacation'!
    and your new house is just brilliant!

  4. Yay! Glad you two finally met IRL! I know when Cass and I finally met IRL it was amazing. We have been planning another meeting ever since. I can't believe that it has been so long since we all got to know each other in the CD chat. Good, good times. Happy belated birthday!
