Thursday, April 22, 2010

My name is feebeeglee and I'm a Facebook addict.

I've given up Facebook. When I gave it up for Lent I got so much more done during the day. Coming back to it the last few weeks has shown me that I really can't moderate it, so I'm cutting it out entirely. I read an article a while back about the addictive nature of Facebook and how each new update primes your brain to seek more, like a hit off a pipe. Yeah, that's me. So, no more!

But that means I'll be blogging more! Yay! I haven't been blogging because I've been waffling about photo storage and haven't wanted to upload pictures. And I feel like endless text is boring. But I'm going to soldier through that and just blog, pictureless, until I decide what to do.

We're building a new playset with some of our tax refund. Well, by "we" I mean "Sean". It's the biggest carpentry project Sean's ever attempted. It will look a lot like this:

Only with different kids playing on it, you know. I assume. Need to ask Sean.


  1. That looks awesome Fee :).
    and yes, facebook is addicting. but I'm not ready to quit yet :)

  2. No more fb??? But you got me hooked... now that's just not fair! lol Loving the giant toy... want some visitors?

  3. I am an addict too but also not ready to quit. I guess that means I've only gotten to step 1. ;)

  4. Awww I'll be sure to visit your blog. :)

  5. you got me hooked, too. you are like a dealer that gets out of the business.
