Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tomorrow, bring a spatula

That's what Faith just misheard me say. The poor child must be addle-pated.

I've been reading The Shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains. It's not good. I mean, the book is good - quick read, informative, engaging - but the Internet is not good. Reading it has cemented my feelings that we are changing from mostly-unschoolers to mostly-not. I knew we were moving that way but I was filled with self-doubt because I didn't want to take away any choices from the children as far as how they wished to spend time. Now that I'm convinced that the Internet is rewiring their brains to suit it I'm convinced that I need to give them a better framework. I'd say we've moved fully into Charlotte Mason territory where we had heretofore been only dipping our toes, to mix a metaphor.

Just now, Bede said "Look. Mom. Come and See! Tell it to me on your computer!" and dragged me to his computer, where I was to read what he had typed. (it was a SpongeBob script) and then say "Oooh, cool." The language was Dalek stilted but, some appropriate pronouns! Shared attention! He's so awesome.

i have a post planned with the full list of medieval books we're going to use. But now Gloria is crying! Dearie me.

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